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The Books

Dead Camp book 1​


Eli is an ancient vampire with an ego the size of a planet and a sex drive to match, but his tumultuous past left him broken, so he hides from humanity and cowers from love, left to endure the crushing guilt that haunts his every waking moment. Even his best friend Malachi, a ghost who is hopelessly in love with Eli, remains unaware of all that transpired in London. Malachi can never know the truth.

When the Angel Daniyyel pays an unwelcome visit, Eli must face his secrets, secrets that he has tried so long to hide. To make matters worse, a chance encounter with the most beautiful man he has ever seen shatters his beloved isolation, pushing him into the world of the living once more. Something about this strange man seems so familiar, but Eli can’t even remember who he was before he became a vampire, never mind explain the unwanted emotions the enigmatic stranger ignites in his dead heart. So Eli has a choice—return to the world that ruined him, or continue his self-imposed exile with no hope of salvation.

Dead Camp book 2​


The world is at war, a war determined to involve Eli, whether he likes it or not. Hitler, his dark army of feral vampires, and even the Devil himself, all conspire against Eli, leaving him no choice but to fight back, risking Malachi’s soul in the process.

Eli is determined to find Ethan’s father, no matter the cost to himself or Malachi, and in a place filled with death and unending cruelty, Eli realizes that some truths should remain buried, and some truths are just too terrible to bear. When the old enemy, demons from Eli’s dark past, find him once more, they reveal a secret so impossible, so terrible, that it pushes Eli to the very edge of his endurance. They took his boyfriend from him once, and the secrets that they reveal about the man he once loved threaten to strip Eli of everything that he holds dear, pushing him to the edge of his sanity.

Eli thought that he had nothing left to lose, but at Welwelsburg Concentration Camp, he realizes that he was very wrong.

Dead Camp book 3


To understand the present, you must first understand the past.


As Wewelsburg castle burns, Eli carries Isaiah to safety. So much is lost, Malachi is gone, the Demon from Eli’s terrible past is reborn into a world already at war, and to make matters worse, Gideon is back. Yet, before Eli can even reach the sanctuary of his home, he learns a painful truth about Gideon, the truth of why he left him, and Eli can barely hold onto his own sanity. Eli quickly understands that not everything in life, or death, is black and white, and sometimes to protect the ones we love, we have to make the greatest sacrifice of all.

Something is coming. Eli can feel it, there, in the darkness, taunting him. The truth of his own mysterious identity. But the road to the truth is paved with the pain of a story that he has to hear, a story that will change his perception of history forever, a story of great love, and a story of two lovers who died to change the world. He does not want to hear it, he does not want to believe it, but if he is to understand who he was, if he is to understand why he was made Vampire, he has no choice but to listen as history unfolds before him.

With Morbius close at his heals, the truth is finally out, and Eli can either allow himself to be crushed beneath the burden of his own identity, or allow the world to be consumed by the evil knocking at his door.


Death is just the beginning - love is the end.

Dead Camp book 4


Saying goodbye is too much for one heart to take.


As Eli comes to terms with his true identity, he, Isaiah and Malachi must flee from France as Morbius closes the net around them. Yet saying goodbye to his home and the love that he must leave there forever proves to be more difficult than Eli could ever imagine.


Now Eli has to face the tumultuous events that transpired in Victorian England, and Malachi must face a return trip to the place of his birth and his death. London is waiting for them, and as they grieve for the loss that fills their broken hearts, each has a story to face and a dilemma to confront that could change their lives forever.


As London falls to Hitler’s deadly bombs, each must be prepared to say their goodbyes, because the end game has begun.

Dead Camp book 5


All stories have a beginning and a middle, but it is in how those stories end that we remember them.


Everything must come to an end, and as Eli contemplates the loss of Malachi in a London ripped apart by war, he knows that the final battle looms ever closer.


Where is Ethan? Eli can feel him, their love for each other calling through time, but History conspires to keep them apart as Morbius uses him for the final game.


Desperate to find a way to end the war, Eli once again delves into the distant past in search of answers, but as Jack the Ripper taunts him from the pages of his dead lover’s diary, Eli is left despondent. So many lies, so many terrible secrets bleeding across his memories, and all of it to keep him safe from the fingers of those who would destroy him.


Love. All of it for love. So much lost, and all of it because of love. As Eli says goodbye to London for the last time, he can only hope that love will be enough to end the madness.

He has a plan to rescue Ethan. An audacious plan, and it will take all of History by his side to see it through to the bitter end. It is time to break Ethan free from the bonds that enslave him, and as they hurtle towards Berlin, the final sacrifice begins.

Joggers Hill  An Erotic Horror short story


They say that more than a mouthful is a waste, but sometimes, a mouthful can kill.

Andrew has had the time of his life at GRL. He even got to meet his idol, but as a result of his outrageous flirting, he’s late leaving the event.

Unfamiliar with the roads of Colorado, Andrew takes a shortcut towards Thornton, following the directions of a sign onto a long dusty road. But the night has other plans for Andrew, and as his car breaks down on an isolated hill, he’s haunted by a terrifying voice.

Do it for Robin, the ghostly voice chants, but as a cute stranger comes to his rescue and lends him a helping hand, Andrew gets more than he bargained for.

Hush Little Baby A horror novella


Never take your life for granted or something may just take your life.


Sian and Andy have good lives, loyal friends, a beautiful home and a loving family. To everyone else, they are the perfect couple, the doting husband, and the successful wife. But every family has secrets and Sian and Andy’s are about to realise that nothing stays hidden forever.


Some secrets are just dying to get out.

The One Ring Special Edition

An erotic comedy short story 

Sundays are always fun in the Martin household.


You know what it’s like when you wake up fruity of a morning, and there is only one thing left to do. Take the matter in hand. And for Martin and his husband, Darren, this particular Sunday morning has more in store for them than they could ever have imagined.


Still in their first flush of love, Martin and Darren live in a small flat in Cardiff, but what they lack in material wealth, they more than make up for with their imagination. What delights lurk beneath their bed? What tantalising treats do the young couple have in store for each other? And what precious object is one of them about to lose?


In this hilarious, saucy romp from Author Sean Kerr, discover how Martin and Darren overcome an unexpected problem that interrupts their Sunday ritual. Socks and Newspapers will never be the same again!


The Birthday Present An erotic short story


Making apple pie can be such messy work.


Ronald feels old, washed up. As a middle aged gay man on the scene, he cannot help but wonder if his time is over. His frustrations are further exacerbated when he finds himself the victim of a group of thugs who seem to find it funny to torment him in his own home.


Ronald is planning a party, a summer celebration of his middle age, but as he begins the preparations in his hot kitchen, a Policeman turns up to question Ronald about the attacks. Over the course of the interview, Ronald comes to understand that perhaps age is just a number after all.

Santa's Sack An erotic short story


A boyfriend is not just for Christmas, he’s for life!


For Peter and Kris, Sitges feels like a second home, and as they party the night away, they meet a bear called Nic. As they head out to their favourite nightclub, Nic joins them in one of Sitges famous foam parties.

As the August holiday draws to an end and summer starts to fade across the horizon, Peter and Kris return home. The memory of their horny holiday quickly disappears as tragedy changes their lives forever, and their love of Christmas is left in ruins.

A strange letter arrives on Christmas Eve, but when its contents are ignored, Christmas itself decides to intervene and return the magic to a heart that has forgotten how to love.

The Last Child Part 1


Some children are born for a purpose.


Samuel is having a tough time of it in school as he is tormented by a vicious gang of bullies, but it is nothing compared to the torture of his home life. Every night he hopes that his friend will take him away from his horrors, a friend he calls the Universe, a constant voice that speaks to him in his darkest moments. At least the Universe loves him.


As his teacher, Christina King wants so much to help Samuel, but she’s haunted by her own horrific childhood and the monstrous tragedy that stole her youth. She feels drawn to the young boy, she understands his pain, but she has no idea of the nature of the true horror that binds them in a vicious game of tug and war.


There is only one group of people who know the truth about Christina and Samuel, a sinister group of watchers who have observed them all their lives, a group known as 'I Tredici'. They have been waiting for centuries, and as the signs of the oncoming apocalypse reveal themselves in blood and brutal murder, they know the ancient war is upon them at last. Only they understand the roles that Christina and Samuel must play in the coming days, and only they know how the outcome will change the course of history forever.


For Christina, this is the start of her journey towards a terrible truth, but for Samuel, it is the start of a new and terrifying existence.

The Last Child Part 2


Thy will be done.


The world is crumbling. Nation is set against Nation in a war that threatens to engulf the entire world. 'I Tredici' can only watch in horror as Jerusalem succumbs to constant bombardment, and they know that at any time the East Gate will fall, and they are powerless to stop it.


Even in hospital, Samuel can't escape the darkness that torments him. He thought the Universe was his friend, his one companion in his lonely existence. But now he is not so sure. It wants him...needs him... and Samuel feels the inevitable pull of his creeping destiny drawing ever closer. As Samuel's life is threatened, he witnesses the full wrath of his dark friend, and his world is taken from him in a blood-bath of terrible violence.


Meanwhile, Christina King intends to find out what really happened to her parents, and so she visits an old friend in London. There she must confront a man she has not seen since childhood, and he tells her a story that she can hardly believe. It is only when he shows her an old photograph that she understands, and what she learns from that photograph will change her life forever.


Christina must come to terms with the terrifying knowledge that her entire existence is a lie. She was born for a purpose, a purpose that will change the world.


What is the significance of 'The Crocus?' Who is 'The Rose Of Sharon?' Can David overcome the terrible conflict that rages inside him before he commits the ultimate sin?

The Last Child Part 3



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