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Cameron Allie, an Author with Style!

Hi everyone! I’d like to take a moment and thank Sean for his kind offer to host me on his blog today! He’s invited me to tell you a little about myself, my writing style and my books.

About Me:

I’m Canadian (eh!) and haven’t travelled much outside of my home country, although I’m excited to say that I’ll be driving down to Atlanta this year for the Romantic Times Convention in May. I got married almost 3 years ago, and my husband and I live with our very spoiled cat, Darcy. How spoiled is she? Well, when she was little we noticed she much preferred to drink fresh running water from the tap, rather than the stuff in her bowl. So instead of running up our water bill we bought her a water fountain for Christmas that year. At first it was a little bit more of a toy that she enjoyed dipping her paws into.

I’m very fortunate to have a supportive husband and family who encourage me to continue chasing my writing dreams. Honestly, I was a little nervous about telling my dad I was publishing an erotic romance novel, and although I’m sure he’d prefer I eventually publish something different, he was thrilled. At times I wonder if he’s more excited about it than I am!

My Writing Style:

For those of you that read Over the Rainbow (thank you for supporting the cause!) you may have seen my short story in there entitled, His Love Letters. That was my first foray into the M/M genre, and while I hope to return to it (I’ve got at least another three stories I want to explore) my current focus is on M/F stories.

Generally I prefer to write in the third person, and from multiple points of view. I don’t like to head hop too much, but I’ve always enjoyed reading stories where you occasionally get to view the main characters through a beloved secondary character’s point of view.

I also like to write in series. As a reader my favourite types of stories are the ones that centre on a group of friends or family members, where each character is show-cased in his/her own novel. My current series is focused on four guys that stayed friends after high school. It’s a four book series, each one following a different character through his journey to find love.

Right now I’m writing contemporary erotic romance. My books are fun and light, with heat and humour. One day (soon) I hope to expand my creative reach, and dabble a bit with some paranormal, and maybe even some steam punk type stories.

The Books (On to the good stuff!):

As I mentioned above, my first series, Unexpected Changes, focuses on 4 friends, Nick, Gabe, Ed, and Kevin.

The first book was out in December, called My Mistletoe Master. Here’s the blurb:

Nick has always wanted Amelia Fuller, his best friend’s little sister, but is he capable of overcoming a past that threatens to come between them?

Amelia Fuller has been in love with her older brother’s best friend for the better part of two decades. After working up the courage to finally tell him how she feels, he broke her heart. Now, three years later, she’s home for the Christmas holidays and finds Nick’s feelings toward her suddenly changed.

Nick doesn’t like to make the same mistake twice. When Amelia arrives home after a three-year absence, Nick Kelly decides he’s no longer going to hide the way he feels about her. His friendship with her brother and a past that left him feeling ashamed were the only things holding him back, but missing her for three long years has finally put things in perspective for Nick.

After Nick catches Amelia enjoying a little fetish pornography, he convinces her to agree to a hot fling, but much to Nick’s displeasure, she wants to keep their affair secret. Sneaking around and indulging in risky sexual play while staying at her parent’s home for the holidays won’t get Amelia everything she’s always dreamed of. Terrified to expose her heart once more, Amelia struggles to discover whether they can overcome their past.

I’m pleased to announce that Not His Type, book two in the Unexpected Changes series came out last Friday! I’ve included the book blurb and an exclusive excerpt.

What do you do when the woman you desire is dead set on proving she doesn’t need you?

Gabe Fuller never thought the day would come when he actually desired Brooke Holter. She plagued him all throughout high school, but now that she’s determined to push him away, he realises she’s exactly what he’s looking for.

Allowing Gabe to introduce her to new erotic experiences Brooke plans to take advantage of what’s been offered to her. She knows using him as a distraction from her complicated life is only part of the reason why she keeps saying yes when she should be saying no. Unbeknown to Gabe, Brooke plans on getting her fill and walking away before she can risk her heart, and her pride once more.

Brooke doesn’t want to be viewed as the same dysfunctional girl she was in high school, which primarily means showing the world she in no way needs Gabe Fuller. Gabe wants to break down the walls that Brooke has created to keep him out. Can they put fear and pride aside in order to make their relationship work?

Excerpt (New and Exclusive!) from Not His Type:

Confused, angry and a little hurt, Brooke ripped through the nearly empty roads of town. After being forced to stop at too many lights, she headed out of town, but not before hitting up a drive-through for an extra large helping of salt-laced French Fries and a big chocolate milkshake.

With slightly greasy fingers and a half empty cup, Brooke tore down the back roads that led away from the city. Sticking to the paved areas, she tried to relax her mind.

How had tonight gotten off track so badly? Gabe probably thought the worst after she’d shown up, that she’d returned to her days of stalking him. Then to top it off she’d driven Kevin away, too.

It wasn’t that she lamented the loss of Kevin as a lover, in fact thinking that was almost laughable. With his comedic ways, his slightly stout physique, and the clumsy, rushed touches, the term lover was a stretch. What she mourned was the loss of a good friend. He knew the trials she’d been through and the errors she’d made. Not once had he judged her.

She wanted to blame Phil, and she wanted to blame Gabe, but she knew where the blame truly belonged.

She made a left off the main road and soon the asphalt turned to gravel beneath the wheels. To avoid stone chips she had to drastically slow the vehicle down. She found herself calming as she shifted to a lower gear.

Maybe it was for the best. Kevin wanted to settle down, have kids and start a family, and that just wasn’t what Brooke was looking for right now. In the distant future, she wanted all those things, but whenever she imagined it, not once did she envision herself growing old with Kevin.

Coasting down the road, Brooke took one hand off the wheel and reached for what remained of her milkshake. Ten minutes and a few turns later, she was headed back to town. The roads switched from gravel and dirt to pavement once more as she approached the city from another angle.

South of the city, she drove through a small town. It was really more of an intersection that boasted a grocery store, pizza place, a few houses and a small two bay garage. Brooke had never really paid much attention to it before, but there was also a cheap looking motel. It was a long building, the offices in the middle with rooms stretching out each side. Most of the rooms had patio doors that opened to the parking lot. She’d always imagined it was a pay by the hour type of place, but the sign out front said two bedroom rooms for rent. But that wasn’t the reason she stopped her car in the middle of the deserted road.

Hours earlier, when she and Kevin had walked into the bar, he’d pointed out Gabe’s new shiny black 4x4 truck.

Now it sat in the motel parking lot.

It could have been anyone’s truck, but Gabe had backed it in, the tinted rear window facing the road. From where her car idled, she could clearly read the print, Fuller Architecture, sheathed by a fancy white design over and below it.

What was he doing in this seedy little place? Had he blown off hanging with his friends just to get laid? Was he with the brunette from the bar?

Brooke thought back to the bar. She was sure the brunette had still been there after Gabe left. That was why she’d found his disappearing act so strange. So who was he with at the motel?

Curiosity got the best of her. Driving into the lot, she parked across from the main entrance, well away from Gabe’s truck. Flexing her fingers on the wheel, she considered her options. Go home and have another sleepless night in her old bedroom, or go in and confirm that Gabe would see her on Monday.

She needed to be honest with herself. Business wasn’t what made her pull into the lot. She was pissed. Something had happened tonight, something that made Kevin back pedal and end their relationship. And Gabe was at the centre of that something.

If you’ve made it this far in my very long post, congratulations! At this time I’d like to share with you my social media links. If you visit the “BOOKS” page on my website you’ll find excerpts for both My Mistletoe Master, and Not His Type. Additionally, I have a bonus prologue scene posted for My Mistletoe Master.

Again, I’d like to thank Sean for hosting me today. And as a thank you, I’d like to offer a free ebook. Comment below and tell me what your favourite genre(s) are for your chance to win an ebook copy of Not His Type. Sean will be picking a winner for us, sometime on Friday.

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