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Meet Suede Delray

Suede is an award winning, best selling author, writing both fiction and nonfiction. Whatever the genre, romance, horror, science fiction, fantasy, or contemporary, m/m romance is her first love. Suede is opposed to stereotyping in her books. Characters should be well rounded and sexuality must enhance the story, rather than be the center. Stories should be realistic. Suede has published articles on racism, sexism and homophobia, and the relationship between all three. in North America as well as from an historical/cross cultural perspective. She is a staunch human rights activist and animal lover. She does not tolerate ignorance well. She has worked in the counselling and law enforcement fields, teaching and consulting. Recently she took an early retirement from her job in law enforcement where she worked with Juveniles, to devote herself to her first love, writing. Suede has been writing since the age of ten. She credits writing for saving her life. Suede lives with her loving partner of many years and their pets. She enjoys travelling, reading about current events, debating, walking and movies.

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Patterns: Book 1

Ever since he met Dominick Cortez unexpectedly on the subway, Rob has been gripped by powerful memories. The intense feelings of desire he feels as soon as Dominick speaks his name, took him completely by surprise. He is perplexed. After all, he's moved on, hasn't he? A homicide detective, Dominick's marriage to his job has saved him, helping him to leave his feelings for Rob in the past. Or so he thought. Then he runs into Rob on his way to work. But ever since their impromptu meeting, Dominick can't stop thinking about the past. Then a suspect in a murder investigation leads Dominick to the Martindale Institute, the very place Rob Dewhurst works.


The thought that Dominick was in bed with someone right now was keeping Rob awake. It would be naïve to think that Dominick was sleeping alone, or that he had spent all these years alone. He wondered who it was. Another cop maybe? No. Dominick always said he’d found most cops to be “anal pricks.” Maybe Dominick had ended up with someone who sold him his coffee every day, or served him a beer at the cop bar after work. Did this man love Dominick as much as Rob had, as much as he did?

“I wouldn’t bother getting dressed.” Dominick’s words came floating back from the past. He could Dominick standing there in the door of their bedroom, having just come back from a long shift at work.

Rob watched himself get out of bed. Dominick’s gaze caressed his naked flesh as Rob approached and pulled off Dominick’s t-shirt. He smoothed his palms up over Dominick’s bare chest and pressed his lips to his shoulder. As he did, Rob slid one hand down Dominick’s thigh then up again, cupping Dominick’s balls thru the material of his pants.

Dominick sucked in some air as Rob undid the zipper and scooped his hand down into Dominick’s pants to capture his erection.

Dominick’s neck went back, his eyes closed. Chest bare, his cock exposed, the man was a visual orgasm. Rob sunk to his knees and let his tongue slowly lick the leaking head of Dominick’s erection. Dominick’s hand settled in Rob’s hair, pulling gently.

I can’t wait for you to fuck me. Fuck me, Dominick. Now.

Rob’s eyes opened. Was he sleeping or awake? He didn’t know. Had he said something aloud? He glanced at the clock. The alarm would ring in five minutes. Rob rolled onto his side. He could hear Kyle in the shower.

It had been a shock seeing Dominick. So, it had brought back some memories. It didn’t mean anything. Rob turned off the alarm.

Kyle came into the room with a towel wrapped around his waist. Blond, with a slender frame, Kyle was classically handsome and extremely cultured and charming. So why in hell didn’t Kyle turn him on the way Dominick had?

“Shower is yours, kid,” Kyle said, rummaging in his drawer.

Rob got out of bed. “Thanks.”

“You sleep?” Kyle opened the closet and took out a shirt.

“Some,” Rob replied as he walked out of the room and across the hall to the bathroom. The room was still steamy from Kyle’s shower. Rob could smell his aftershave, spicy with vanilla overtones.

Rob left the door open, pulled off his underwear and stood in front of the mirror. He wiped at the glass a few times and studied himself. He’d just turned thirty- one but everyone told him he looked like a kid, curly brown hair and big sherry eyes. He was well toned thanks to the gym and of average height, the body of a man with a face of a boy. Kyle often joked that people would think his boyfriend was a teenager. When he and Dominick had first met, Dominick had asked Rob how old he was. Rob had been underweight back then and even though he was two weeks shy of his 18th birthday, he could have passed for fifteen. This suited Danny, who often let the customers think Rob was underage when he wanted to pimp him. He made more money that way.

“Coffee?” Kyle called out on his way down the stairs.

“Absolutely,” Rob shouted back, reminding himself to get a move on. He didn’t want to end up being late on his first day as assistant director. Wow. It was hard to believe. Some people didn’t think he was the best choice for the job because of his background. But the boss, Beverly Franklin, had stood by him all the way. She had turned out to be a great friend. She’d gone out on a limb for him. He intended to work hard. The last thing he wanted was to let her down.

First review off website:



Patterns is a definite thriller. Dominick Cortez comes from one of the most powerful mafia families, he's a detective and gay, which leaves him an outcast with the Cortez mafia. Robert "Rob" Dewhurst, twelve years ago, met Dominick at the Mirror Palace, where Dominick saved his life in more ways than one. Rob made the biggest mistake of his life and now that he's seen Dominick again, is there even a possibility that they can have a second chance. This is fast paced, with lot's of danger and stumbling blocks that stand in the way of Rob and Dom. I was really surprised how good this was. I'm invested and already pre-ordered the sequel.

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Patterns: Book 2 More Patterns


Rob and Dominick are trying to adjust to married life but Dominick's job takes more time away than Rob expected. Dominick's attention is on finding a killer who slaughtered an entire family as they slept. Rob has problems of his own at Martindale's Institution for boys, namely a seventeen year old new intake who claims he hooked up with Dominick in a BDSM club.


Rob unlocked the door to the isolation room and stepped inside. “Hello, Gavin,” Rob announced.

Gavin looked up from where he was laying on the bed.

“You have a visitor.”

When Dominick stepped inside the room, Gavin sat up. His jaw dropped, and he just stared at Dominick.

Dominick moved closer. Gavin flattened his back against the wall. “Hello, Gavin,” Dominick said, his voice hard as steel. “It seems we have something to discuss, you and I.”

It was strange to hear that tone in Dominick’s voice. It was intimidating, and Rob found it rather sexy. Gavin however looked terrified.

“No.” Gavin shook his head. “Who are you? I don’t know you.”

“But you told Mr. Dewhurst we got to know each other really well in a dungeon.”

“Ah, Mr. Dewhurst,” he looked embarrassed. “I didn’t say that.”

“What did you say?” Dominick met his gaze. “How do you know me?”

“I saw you in a photograph, on Mr. Dewhurst’s desk. You’re married or something.”

“Right,” Dominick replied. “I’m married. But you said you knew me, that I had sex with you.”

Gavin just kept shaking his head. “No.”

“No, you didn’t say it, or no, you didn’t have sex with me?”

“Ah, both.”

“So, it’s not true you know me, but the boys in here think it is. It causes trouble for Mr. Dewhurst, and it could cost me my job. You wouldn’t want that, would you?”

“No. No.” He looked at his hands.

“Did you see me on the news?”


“Look at me.”

Gavin looked up.

“Then how did you know my name was Dominick Cortez?”

“Mr. Dewhurst said it.”

“No, he didn’t. How did you know?”

“Your family. I know about your family.”

Dominick went silent for a second. He looked at Rob.

That encouraged Gavin to be a little braver. Rob noticed how his manner changed as soon as he thought he had the upper hand. “Your family are mobsters. Your father is the Godfather. Some people employed by your family owned the club I worked at. They smuggled in young boys as sex slaves from other countries, kidnapped them. So,” he shrugged, “why should it be a surprise,” he looked at Rob, “that your hot, gay, mobster husband got his rocks off at a BDSM club with me, Mr. Dewhurst?”

Rob took a step. He was about to lose it. Dominick placed a hand on Rob’s arm, cautioning him to stay calm.

“So, these people mentioned me, did they?” Dominick persisted. “They had my picture, what, was it on the wall or something? Highly unlikely. I’m not that popular in the Cortez family circle.”

Gavin smiled. “Oh, I know that. Your father sent a picture of you to his thugs from prison.”

Rob didn’t like where this was going. He gripped Dominick’s arm.

“Go on,” Dominick urged.

“Frank Cortez is looking to put a hit on you.”

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Patterns Revealed Book 3


Dominick has recovered from his injuries but still on suspension from the force but it hasn't deterred him from wanting to solve the Regis murders. Some information from his sister prompts Dominick and Rob to take a weekend trip to Boston. What they don't know is the killer is watching.


It was hot, no air. Dominick took out his gun, looked around him. They were alone. He tried to push open the window and gave up. There was no time. “It’s okay, Sandra,” Dominick told her, getting down on his haunches, and inspecting the bomb. “I’m going to get you out of here.” He took the tape off her mouth as gently as he could, untied her and tried to calm her. She was hysterical.

“Sandra, listen to me.” He put his hand on her shoulder. There was ten minutes and twenty seconds left on the timer. “Try to be calm and don’t move at all, okay? I’m going to take this thing off you.” He’d done a brief stint with the bomb squad but he was no expert. He needed help. He couldn’t afford to make a mistake. He dialed dispatch. “Detective Cortez, get me Martinez from the bomb squad. Now.”

“Hold the line.”

“Make it quick.” He put the phone on speaker phone and laid it beside him.

Dominick inspected the bomb while he waited, sweat pouring down his face as he kept telling the girl everything would be alright. He moved her gently forward, took out a pen knife and loosened the tape.

Finally, he heard Martinez’s voice. They’d dated once, years before. It had ended on a friendly note. Martinez was the best there was. “Dominick, you in trouble, my friend?”

“You bet I am. I gotta’ a bomb attached to a girl here and we are ticking down from eight minutes.”

“You don’t give a boy a lot of notice. Text me a photo to this number.”

Dominick snapped one with his phone and sent it, still gently working on the tape.

“Can you get the bomb off the girl?” Martinez asked.

“Doing that.”

“Okay, after getting her free, you will need to carefully remove all the tape you see around the bomb. You’re going to find the blast caps and separate them the explosive. If there is a battery, carefully remove that too.”

“Okay,” Dominick kept his mind on the task. He cut again at the tape around the girl. Damn.

“Work fast. You don’t have much time,” Martinez was saying. “That kind of bomb is unreliable. It can go off easily, and before the timer runs out if it’s jarred in any way.”

“Thanks,” Dominick said.

“Okay, did you find the blast cap? There are probably two of them.”

“Looking, they are super tiny. Does this one have two?”

“Don’t know. Let’s assume it does.”

Dominick felt under the tape he’d removed. “Got one.”

“You paid attention when you worked for the bomb squad.”

“Be a fool not to,” Dominick muttered.

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Book 4 is Patterns Uncharted...


At this point in their lives Dominick and Rob are sure of only one thing, they love each other and nothing will ever change that. But there are challenges and compromises to be made. Will the sacrifices they make to please each other end up making them miserable?


Dominick felt like throwing the alarm clock across the room when it rang. He hadn’t gotten much sleep and he had to be at work in an hour.

Rob was already in the shower. Dominick knew he hadn’t gotten much sleep either.

Dominick stretched and yawned, a smile on his face. Aside from running around trying to find Logan, some of the time spent not sleeping had been worth it, big time Rob had been right. Make up sex was the best.

Rob came into the room now, a towel around his waist. Um. Yum. He was so sweet, like honey dipped candy. Dominick wished he had more time. He would have loved to whip that towel right off him and pound that sweet little ass of his.

“Not up yet?” Rob asked, leaning down to give Dominick a quick kiss.

“Oh, I’m up,” he grinned.

“Dirty boy.” Rob laughed. “Didn’t you get enough last night?”

“Honey,” Dominick reached out and pulled Rob toward the bed. “I can never get enough of you.”

Rob pulled back. “Stop it. You’ll make me late, and you’ll be late too.”

Dominick groaned and reluctantly let go. He rolled over in bed and pulled the duvet over his head. “Don’t want to go to work today.”

Rob pulled the duvet down off him. “You need to go to work. Some one has to protect this city from evil.”

“Right,” Dominick grumbled. “I think you have me confused with Batman.”

A knock sounded at the door. Dominick yanked the cover up over him.

Logan poked his head in and grinned. “Hey, lovebirds.” He looked at Dominick. “I didn’t see anything. Damn. Wasn’t quick enough. I made scrambled eggs. You guys must be hungry.” He winked at Rob.

“Enough of that.” Rob pushed him out the door. “And stop ogling my husband please.”

He chuckled. “Sorry.”

“Nice of you to make eggs. We’re coming.”

Logan went to say something else and Rob pointed at him. “Don’t say anything.”

“Okay.” He shrugged and walked off down the hallway. He was laughing.

Dominick threw off the cover and got out of bed. “Got a robe for me? Unless you want me to walk around naked in front of that thirteen- year old boy who, by the way, is going on thirty.”

“It’s good to hear him laugh. He doesn’t do that very much. Listen, Logan has seen and done far more than a kid his age should ever have had to. He’s struggling with his sexuality right now. He’s gay but he doesn’t know what’s appropriate to say or do.” Rob went into the closet and handed him a tattered old bathrobe. “I’m trying to teach him that. Here, take this one.”

Dominick held it up. “It’s filled with holes. Nice.”

“It’s royal blue, goes with your hair,” Rob smirked, pulling on his pants.

“Right,” Dominick muttered, slipping it on. He paused, looked at him. “I didn’t want to say anything but when I found Logan last night, he had a crack pipe on him.”

Rob sighed. “Really?” He looked disappointed.

Dominick caressed Rob’s cheek. “Sorry, sweetie. I hesitated to tell you. I didn’t say he was smoking any. I don’t think he got to it but he was tempted. Crack is a hard habit to break. He asked me not to tell you.”

“Thanks for the heads up,” Rob said, buttoning his shirt. “Go take your shower, I’ll make coffee. Is Betty picking you up?”

“Yeah.” Dominick checked the alarm. “She’ll be here in twenty minutes. Better get moving.” Dominick walked down the hallway and went into the bathroom. He closed the door, paused, then locked it. Better to be safe than sorry with the middle aged midget in the house.

He took a quick shower and toweled off. He trimmed the dark shadow on his jaw a little and noticed that his hair was getting long enough to tie in a pony tail. He’d have to think about getting it cut maybe.

He had a lot to do today, namely he had to find Woody. He wanted to do it fast, get it over with. He didn’t feel particularly good about handing Woody over to the mob. He’d taken a oath to serve and protect, even low life’s like Woody. Dominick knew very well what Frank’s men would do to the guy. They’d torture him, cut off his limbs and worse. He’d die slowly and in pain. Fuck.

A few minutes later Dominick was back in the bedroom getting dressed. Little Bear came running in, batting a little rubber mouse just as Dominick was putting on his gun holster. Dominick leaned down an picked the kitten up with one hand, and gave him some cuddles. “Did Rob feed you? You look like that little belly is quite full.” Dominick held him up and rubbed his tummy. “I hear purring,” he said, setting the kitten on his shoulder.

Logan grinned when he saw the kitten on Dominick’s shoulder. “He’s really cute. Likes to play with toes.”

“Likes to play with everything,” Dominick said as Rob put a cup of coffee in his hands and gave him a quick kiss on the mouth.

Dominick handed Bear to Logan. Logan let Bear crawl up around his neck. He laughed. “He tickles.”

Rob came over and stroked the kitten. “He’s a loving little thing.”

Dominick took a few forkfuls of scrambled egg then came over and fed a few bites to Rob from the pan.

“You two.” Logan sighed. He leaned his chin on his hand. “You’re so in …”

“Sync?” Rob supplied.

“I was going to say in love but in sync does it,” Logan replied.

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